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  1. Pray without ceasing.
  2. Spend 10 minutes everyday reading in the book of Psalms.
  3. Begin each day with 5 minutes of deep, relaxed breathing.
  4. Cut out all non-prescribed stimulants and depressants, especially alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
  5. Drastically reduce sugar intake.
  6. Exercise 20 minutes every day.
  7. Increase water intake.
  8. Practice “early to bed, early to rise.”
  9. Maintain close bonds with caring people.
  10. Positively recalling difficulties overcome in the past can help encourage feelings of competence and achievement over feelings of helplessness and distress. But do not make it sound as if overcoming trauma is simple.

I recently participated in a group bike riding event with my wife and several other bike enthusiasts. On this ride there were times when traffic was light and we were cruising down hills. But there were also times when we had steep hills, rain falling, and cars zooming past us. It was good to have rest stops and another person to encourage me during difficult times.
At the Christian Counseling Center we want to help keep you going when times are difficult. You may have individual issues such as depression, stress, or anger. You may be having a hard time with family, your marriage, or children. We want to help you with those as well.
Let the Christian Counseling Center be there for you in times of difficulty.

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