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Men and women are different. It does not take a Marriage and Family Therapist to realize that.

Men and women communicate differently. That isn’t rocket science either but sometimes couples forget that. For this post I want to focus on a simple communication technique men can use to improve the way they interact with their wives.

Men are wired to fix problems. They hear their wife express a frustration and immediately formulate a plan to make it better. A step by step plan is on the tip of the man’s tongue. Women are not looking for this. Women only want their husbands initial reaction to be one of hearing what they have to say. It is not about fixing the issue at work, with family, etc. They just want to be heard. So, as difficult as this can be for men, marital communication thrives on them holding their solutions and hearing what their wives need to say.

The simple communication technique of listening can make a big difference as the wife simply wants her frustrations to be heard by her husband.

So, men, as a way of improving your relationship via a simple communication technique…listen!

Justin P. Lewis, MA

Depressed men rarely complain about feelings of sadness or hopelessness; they think it is a sign of weakness. Here are some signs of trouble:

  1. Withdrawing from other people and spending time watching TV, playing computer games or pursuing other solitary activities.
  2. Increased drinking or use of mood-altering medications.
  3. Change in sexual behavior: A depressed man can lose interest in sex, or become more sexually aggressive.
  4. Change in eating habits, either a weight gain or a weight loss of 10 pounds or more is considered significant.
  5. Disturbed sleep patterns, particularly waking up in the middle of the night or very early morning and being unable to get back to sleep.
  6. Irritability and fits of bad temper.
  7. Having difficulty making decisions.
  8. Taking increased risks, such as a sudden interest in gambling or skydiving; starting an affair.

These are problems that can strain or break families. What’s more they can sneak up on men who were previously healthy and have had successful careers. With proper treatment their mood and productivity, as well as health issues, can improve. It’s worth the fight to make these changes happen.

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